7 Signs You May Need a Furnace Tune-Up or Replacement

Winter’s along the Front Range can fluctuate rapidly. One day you’ll be enjoying a classic bluebird sky day in warm weather almost comfortable enough for shorts and a t-shirt and the next day Mother Nature decides freezing temperatures and snow are better suited for the season. When these cold snaps occur, your furnace is the first one to take the hit. If your furnace is experiencing any of the seven signs below, call your Eagle Heating experts immediately.

Expensive Heating Bills

Surprised recently by a high energy bill? This could be a sign your furnace needs a tune-up. Inefficiency in your unit can increase costs because it is working harder to make your home comfortable for your family. A tune-up can ensure all the nuts and bolts are properly tightened and that everything is in working order. If your furnace is 30 years old or more, it is very inefficient, and you should consider replacing it.

Loud Noises Coming from Your Furnace

It is never a good sign when your furnace makes loud, clanging noises. While some noises are normal, loud noises coming from your furnace could mean that your blower needs repaired. If you feel your furnace is making unusually loud noises, contact an Eagle Heating expert to see if a tune-up is needed.

Furnace Tune-Up & Replacement Colorado SpringsNo Heat Is Produced

This may be an obvious reason, but on warmer Colorado days it can be more difficult to detect. If you notice the heat coming out of the vents is less warm or no heat at all is produced, it’s time to contact a professional.

The Furnace Smells

It can be normal to smell a faint burnt smell, however, if the smell is overwhelming, gets stronger as you get closer to the furnace or smells of rotten eggs you should call the local fire department. Once your home is clear to re-enter, contact Eagle Heating to begin the repair process.

Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off

Carbon monoxide detectors are vital for the safety of your home. Carbon monoxide is odorless, colorless, and fatal if you inhale too much. If your carbon monoxide detectors go off, it is likely you have a major issue with your furnace or any gas burning appliance.

Your Pilot Light Is Yellow

Pilot lights should burn blue. If you see your pilot light burning yellow or orange, this is a surefire sign your furnace needs a tune-up. This can also indicate that your furnace is old, and you should consider replacing it. 

Your Furnace is Aging

The age of your furnace is an important factor as to whether or not you schedule a tune-up. The average lifespan of a furnace is 16-20 years. If you have not had your furnace looked at and tuned up within the last 12 months, we highly recommend that you perform annual maintenance to ensure optimal performance. If your furnace is 30 years old or older you should highly consider replacing as an option.

If any of these warning signs come up this winter season, keep Eagle Heating and Air Conditioning in Colorado Springs in mind. With over 45 years of experience and a 4.9/5 star rating on Google, our local experts are standing by.